Many people have asked questions about us as breeders. I think those questions are very relevant. So here is some background information on us and why we’re doing this.
I am in the medical profession and travel quite a bit for work. At some point, it became important to me to provide security for the family when I was not there. So we made the decision to get a dog and have him personal protection trained. After doing quite a bit of reading and research we decided on a European Doberman.
In 2016 we got Yugo the sire of this litter. We had him professionally trained for personal protection by a trainer who trains law enforcement dogs. The first picture on the webpage is one of him during his training. He is a very large and muscular creature and did very well with the training. Over time having him in the house and watching him grow and develop it became clear to us that not passing his qualities to future generations of Dobermans would be a shame. That brought us to the decision to get a female and breed him. We looked for and found a beautiful European female (Dina) and here we are.
As I mentioned above we did quite a bit of research on deciding what dog to get and in doing that became aware of the many issues surrounding the breeding of Dobermans. Breeders who focused on show dogs seem to have picked a few champions and repetitively inbred those dogs and hence brought out and propagated the genetic defects we now find common in these dogs. Having developed an interest in the breed and having a medical background my objective was to in some small way contribute to remedying that issue. So our goal in breeding is to produce high-quality animals while trying to minimize the passing on of genetic diseases. We intend to do our best to see that the pups go to good homes with owners who have the time and desire to give them the attention they will need.
We are raising our puppies in the home using high-quality vet bedding from the first day of their life to provide hygiene, warmth, comfort, and security, and to make sure that our puppies have excellent traction to help their joints grow properly. We follow the Puppy Culture program providing early socialization by exposing puppies to various environments other than their home – taking the puppies outside to walk on different surfaces and to play in the yard along with car rides. These positive experiences are critical in helping puppies become confident and content companions.
For the best possible start in life, we are now implementing the Early Neurological Stimulation Program (ENS) known as the “Super Dog Program”. This program was developed to improve the performance of dogs used for military purposes and has five key benefits: improved cardiovascular performance (heart rate); stronger heartbeats; stronger adrenal glands; more tolerance to stress; greater resistance to disease.
In addition to ENS, we also start Early Scent Introduction Program (ESI), developed by Dr. Gayle Watkins. ESI improves scenting abilities in adult dogs, enabling them to succeed at more complex scent work at younger ages.
We are members of the United Doberman Club.
Our puppies have great chances to excel in a variety of sports, and performance events, and as great companions.